Full Consultancy and Business Development
A full consultancy service is available where all aspects of our Health Check Option will be completed on a regular basis as well as developing a full business strategy personalised and tailored to your specific needs. This is a bespoke service which may include, but not limited to:
LD/MH Consultancy/Business Development/Tenders
- Completion of pre-qualification questionnaires (PQQs) and tenders
- Preparation of tender presentations
- Tender presentation coaching
- Auditing againat QAFF
- Planning for organic growth
- Personalisation
- Direct payment management
- Individual budgets
Quality and Compliance
- Policies & procedures
- Forms, documentation and records
- Business process analysis and flow charts
- Quality management system review
- Satisfaction analysis and reporting
- Ensuring compliance with National Minimum Standards
- CQC/CSSIW/SCSWIS/RQIA: pre-inspection checking
- Regulatory and compliance audit checks
- Independent branch inspections and reviews
- Compliance checks
- Post CQC (or equivalent) inspection action plans
- Complaints register