Complex Care
The Sales Process
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Learning Disabilities (LD)
We understand that you are generally focused on promoting the well being of your clients and maximising their potential and their life. Whilst supporting people with learning disabilities is a truly rewarding vocation it tends to be quite intensive and does not gives most providers the time or latitude to simultaneously develop the true potential of their business. We recognise the ever evolving need to develop services, community cohesion and front line staff to really achieve the outcomes you are striving for both strategically and for individual clients are enormously time intensive.
We can work with you from a menu of options, to review your business, from service delivery through to commercial performance and give you a platform and template to strategically develop the true potential of your business both in terms of quality delivery and maximising revenues.
Mental Health (MH)
In our experience we know that you are generally focused on the recovery and journey of your individual clients to improved their health and well being. We believe that this can only be truly successful if your business is in good health itself. You are supporting people who have chaotic lifestyles with poor levels of self organisation, self regulation and self care because of their own life experiences. You will be working with multi agencies to provide the best support to your clients as you possibly can, and therefore may need a little support yourselves as an organisation, to ensure you can sustain the levels of service complexity required in the long term.
We will work with you from a menu of options to review your business, from service delivery to commercial performance, to ensure you are able to meet the most complex needs of individuals referred to you, and consider the longer term sustainability and growth of your company as well as realising and maximising the true potential and value of your business.